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Talk To A Lawyer About Your Rights Regarding Suspension And Expulsion In Florida

Most teachers, parents and students do not realize that they have the right to an appeal if they are facing suspension or expulsion from school or from their teaching jobs. Students and their parents are often not fully informed of their rights to possible appeals by schools or school districts. But we will tell you what the school district may not want you to hear.

A suspension, dismissal or expulsion can negatively become part of your academic record. You have rights, even when facing a disciplinary hearing from a school administrator or school district. Our team at The Rossi Law Firm, P.A., can help you enforce those rights and prevent your career or your education from being ruined by an accusation that may or may not be valid.

Our founder, Steve Rossi, is a former legal counsel for the second-largest teachers union in the state and the sixth-largest in the country. He is also a former FBI agent and prosecutor, as well as a board-certified criminal trial lawyer. He has been an attorney for over 30 years and focuses on school law. Mr. Rossi has handled administrative, civil and criminal proceedings surrounding academic suspensions, dismissals and expulsions. Early intervention can possibly save you money and preserve certain time-restrictive rights. Our team can help guide you in the process.

Suspension And Expulsion For Students

A suspension or expulsion becomes a permanent mark on your educational record, whether you are in grade school, high school or college. Unfortunately, this can mean your future is damaged by this one mistake, whether it was warranted or not.

Parents should realize that they have the right to call for an appeal of their child’s suspension or expulsion. But they need to act fast. There are time limits on when you can appeal a decision, and you must enlist the help of our attorneys to guide you through the process quickly or lose the chance to save your child’s reputation. You should also be sure you understand the action your student is threatened with.


A suspension is a temporary removal of a student from the school environment as a form of discipline for violating school rules or policies. Suspensions can range from a single day to several weeks, depending on the severity of the incident and the school’s disciplinary guidelines.

Students facing suspension have certain rights, including due process and the opportunity to present their side of the story. In some cases, suspensions may be served in school, where students remain supervised but do not attend regular classes.


Dismissals occur when a student is formally removed from a school program due to academic performance, misconduct or failure to meet institutional expectations. Unlike suspensions, dismissals are long-term and may require reapplication or appeal for the student to return.

Dismissals arise after repeated warnings, unsatisfactory academic progress or violation of key policies. It is essential to seek clarity on the specific grounds for dismissal and the options for transferring credits or completing education elsewhere.


Expulsions are the most severe form of disciplinary action, resulting in permanent removal from a school. This action is taken in response to serious misconduct, including violence, drug offenses or other significant violations of a school’s code of conduct.

This can have long-term consequences for a student’s future education and career prospects. However, schools must follow established procedures so students and parents are fully aware of their rights, such as attending hearings, presenting evidence and appealing the decision.

Suspension For Teachers

Typically, a teacher suspension results from a violation of a Florida code of conduct or a school board policy or from criminal conduct in or out of the classroom. In most cases, there is little to no investigation of the matter, and a teacher is suspended outright, regardless of the evidence.

Our team will conduct a thorough investigation of the accusations against you and work to show the injustice of these allegations. We strive to get your employer to reinstate you to your job or, failing that, allow you to resign retroactively with no damage to your reputation, making it possible for you to continue in your chosen career without a black mark on your record.

Legal Framework Of Suspension, Dismissal And Expulsion

Florida statutes have clear guidelines on school discipline, including suspensions, dismissals and expulsions. State laws mandate due process protections for students while granting schools the authority to impose disciplinary measures.

Federal laws like the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) offer specific protections for students with disabilities. Schools must consider a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) before imposing disciplinary actions.

Additionally, each school district establishes its policies and codes of conduct. They outline acceptable behavior, disciplinary procedures and consequences for violations.

Rights And Responsibilities For Students, Parents And Teachers

Students have the right to due process, including notice of allegations, the opportunity to present their side and access to evidence. For suspensions and expulsions, schools must provide fair hearings to protect students from unjust or disproportionate penalties.

Parents have the right to be notified of any disciplinary actions taken against their child, attend hearings and advocate for their child’s interests. However, the legal and procedural aspects can be daunting. Our lawyer can guide parents through the process, helping them understand the policies and laws that apply.

On the other hand, schools are responsible for maintaining a safe and productive learning environment while adhering to legal and ethical guidelines. They must balance disciplinary enforcement with fairness so that students are not discriminated against or denied their educational rights.

Additionally, teachers have rights in disciplinary situations, such as protection from threats or misconduct. Teachers can initiate disciplinary referrals and should receive support from school administrators in enforcing codes of conduct.

Caribbean Medical Schools And Disciplinary Actions

Caribbean medical schools provide opportunities for students to pursue medical education abroad. However, students may face suspensions, dismissals or expulsions due to academic performance, professionalism concerns or policy violations.

The standards for discipline at Caribbean medical schools can differ from those in the U.S., creating confusion for students. Understanding the specific grounds for disciplinary actions and the appeal processes is essential. Additionally, dismissed or suspended students may face challenges transferring credits back to U.S. institutions.

Professional Schools: Medical, Law And Other Advanced Degrees

Professional schools, such as medical, law, dental and graduate programs, impose strict academic and ethical standards. Suspensions, dismissals and expulsions can occur in academic dishonesty, professional misconduct or inadequate performance cases.

Students in professional programs have their time and money at stake, so disciplinary actions can be impactful. Understanding institutional policies, rights to appeal and pathways for reinstatement or transfer to other programs is critical.

Don’t Forfeit Rights That You May Have When Facing Discipline From A School Or School District

Call our main office in Fort Lauderdale at 888-674-2051 or send us an email to schedule an appointment or phone conference. We offer representation throughout the state of Florida.