Education Law Wizard
Florida’s fights recent federal Title IX changes
Title IX is a landmark 1972 law that bars discrimination in education programs based on sex. Passed on June 23, 1972, it was a brief 37-word paragraph signed by President Nixon that stated that the federal government would withhold funding to public colleges and...
What the ‘red zone’ means in Title IX sexual assault cases
Title IX is part of the Educational Amendments of 1972. The language of Title IX protects students from discrimination on the basis of their sex in educational programs. It applies to public schools and also to colleges across the country. Title IX helps ensure that...
How parents’ rights vs. school board debates can impact education
The clash between parents’ rights and school board decisions has become a pressing issue in recent years, sparking intense debates across communities. The crux of this tension is rooted in the concern that because parents are the basic educators of their children,...
What do the statistics say about high school bullying in Florida?
Students bullying each other has been an issue for as long as there have been large-scale educational facilities. Bullying can start as early as preschool or kindergarten, but it often begins in earnest during middle school and high school. Technically, Florida has a...
Special needs students and Florida school accommodations
Students with disabilities have a right to no-cost and appropriate public education under the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 in Florida and other states. Section 504 of this act prohibits schools from discriminating against children who have disabilities. The...
New Florida education law draws both praise and criticism
School librarians and media specialists in Florida are currently undergoing training to help them determine what kinds of books and materials are suitable for children. The training is mandated under the provisions of Florida House Bill 1467, which was passed by the...