On Your Side When You Are Dealing With Special Education Issues
Are you having problems with a school or school district with regard to a special education, accommodation or IEP issue? Are you having issues with a McKay scholarship? Has the school district, school or teacher failed to respond to, or answer your questions?
Attorney Steve Rossi has experience dealing with special education issues in private and public schools throughout the state of Florida. Mr. Rossi and his team at The Rossi Law Firm, P.A., handle a variety of issues surrounding special education cases and other education law disputes. His firm has represented students, parents, teachers, administrators and schools in special education matters.
Steve Rossi also has experience as a criminal defense lawyer, so he can represent you in situations involving criminal accusations, investigations or charges involving special education cases. As a former FBI agent and prosecutor, Mr. Rossi uses his legal experience to help you solve your situation.
Special Education Representation For Teachers And Non-Instructional Staff
If a teacher is unaware of a student’s situation or has not been able to review a student’s individual education plan (IEP), he or she may be reprimanded for not accommodating that student’s needs. A teacher’s aide who is adjusting a disabled student in his or her chair may be accused of being rough with the child when he or she was just trying to ensure that the child could breathe properly. Many misunderstandings can lead to issues that threaten someone’s career.
Steve Rossi works closely with teachers and non-instructional staff to help clear these misunderstandings and regain their jobs, repair their reputations and rectify the problems the issues may have caused. His many years as a criminal defense lawyer can help in situations where serious accusations have been made.
Special Education Representation For Parents And Students
When parents run into conflict with a school or school district over educational issues for their special needs child, it can be a benefit to have a knowledgeable lawyer on their side.
Working with Mr. Rossi gives parents the information they need to get the resources for their child. It also shows the school or school district that the parents are serious about their pursuit of a good education for their child.
Contact Us To Schedule Your Free Initial Consultation About Special Education Issues
Call our office in Fort Lauderdale at 888-674-2051 or send us an email to schedule your appointment. We offer representation all over the state, and meetings can be conducted over the phone.