The Rossi Law Firm, P.A. | Statewide Representation

We Are With You Every Step Of The Way

We Are With You Every Step Of The Way

Helping You Address Bullying, Harassment And Discrimination Problems

There are many hot-button issues in schools these days that might require help from an attorney. Bullying and harassment are in the news on a regular basis. Adults and children alike face discrimination in school. There are legal remedies to these issues that you have every right to pursue on your own behalf or on behalf of your child.

Most people don’t know their rights when it comes to arguing against schools and school districts. Our team at The Rossi Law Firm, P.A., can help you understand those rights and pursue them to prevent further harm to yourself or your child. Our founder, education and school law attorney Steve Rossi, has represented many teachers, staff and students in education law issues, including these three areas, for more than 35 years. We serve clients statewide.

Finding Solutions For Bullying And Harassment

Florida has very strict anti-bullying laws in place. The difficulty frequently lies in getting a school to take cases of bullying and harassment seriously and stop the situation. Frequently, the best approach is to work with an education attorney to rectify the situation. In his experience, Steve Rossi has used these and other techniques to resolve issues of school bullying and harassment against students, teachers and staff in school:

  • Direct negotiation with the school and the bully’s parents
  • Restraining orders
  • Criminal charges when physical or sexual assault occurs
  • Litigation against the bully’s parents
  • Holding the school responsible if something happens to your child or to you

Our firm’s goal is to ensure that victims have the ability to fight the bully and the school’s lack of action on legal grounds. By showing negligence on the part of the school and the bully’s parents, as well as pressing criminal charges when necessary, many avenues are open to prevent this negative behavior from continuing and from happening to others.

Putting An End To Discrimination Issues In School

Adults and children may both face discrimination in school. Adults can face discrimination from students and from other teachers and administrators. Our team pursues the legal remedies appropriate to the discrimination the individual is facing to bring an end to the discrimination. Where necessary, our founder uses his skill as a trial lawyer to bring about a change in school policies.

Information About The Law And Your Rights

Do you have questions about bullying, discrimination, harassment and the law in Florida? Mr. Rossi can answer them. In this segment, you can read a few of his answers to clients’ frequently asked questions on these topics.

What does Florida consider bullying?

Our state defines bullying as the deliberate and repeated infliction of physical harm or mental distress severe enough to create an environment of intimidation and interfere with the subject’s schoolwork and/or participation.

What laws prohibit bullying?

In Florida, the law intended to prevent K-12 bullying and protect victims is the Jeffrey Johnston Stand Up For All Students Act, also referred to as Florida Statute 1006.147. Unfortunately, there are no federal laws that specifically address bullying.

Can parents get a bully expelled from school?

Your first instinct might be to punish the student bullying your child by seeking their expulsion. However, there are several other procedures and disciplinary measures in place before a school will expel a student. Enough infractions or a serious enough bullying situation may eventually result in expulsion, but it is the school board, not the victim’s parents, in charge of this.

Schedule Your Free Consultation With An Education Lawyer

Call The Rossi Law Firm, P.A., in Fort Lauderdale toll-free at 888-674-2051 or send us an email to schedule your appointment. We provide representation all over Florida and offer meetings virtually as well as over the phone.